Full Body Circuit Workout For All Athletes

This “30-second Bursts” workout is a bodyweight, off-season full-body circuit that develops general strength for track and field athletes. This general strength workout is applicable to any athlete.

General strength (G.S.) training is essential, especially in the off-season. G.S. develops body control and strengthens your ligaments and tendons. It is important in order to develop your body for effective high speed and power training.

This workout focuses on developing core strength and general full-body group movement. It requires no additional equipment.


To complete this workout, do 3 - 5 sets. In each set, do each exercise for 30 seconds. Do not rest in between each exercise. After completing each set, rest for 3 minutes.


  • Tricep Dips

  • V-sits

  • Squat Thrusts

  • Lying Hip Raises

  • Side Hip Raise (Left)

  • Split Jump

  • Push-Ups

  • Superman

  • Standing Squats

  • Side Hip Raise (Right)

  • Sit-Ups

  • Burpees

Keep reading for additional tips and instructions for these exercises.

Tricep Dips:

Tricep dips are essential for increasing overall arm strength because most people tend to focus solely on their biceps. Tricep dips work the three major parts of the tricep.

The first level of a tricep dip consists of placing your arms behind you on a bench. Bend your knees in front of you, then lower your body by bending your elbows, flexing your triceps as you do so. To increase the difficulty of this exercise, you can extend your legs, place your legs on a higher bench, or do dips on parallel bars.

Squat Thrusts:

An exercise that is like a burpee without the push-up or the jumping.

Lying Hip Raises:

Lying Hip Raises strengthen the posterior chain. The posterior chain is primarily made up of the calves, hamstrings, glutes, and spinal cord, and it is essential to a quick and powerful movement.

To increase the intensity, you can hold a weight near your lower stomach/leg region or use resistance bands.

Side Hip Raises:

Side Hip Raises help build strength in the outer thighs and the hip abductors. Make sure you keep your body in a straight line while doing this exercise.

Split Jumps:


Modifications can be made by doing pushups on your knees, one-handed, clap pushes, etc.

Be sure to engage the core as you do these. When doing push-ups for time, it can be easy to become overwhelmed. A helpful tip is to focus on breathing out as you lower into the push-up and breathing in as you return to the plank position.


This exercise recruits important muscles in the back that work hand in hand with abdominal muscles. Ensure that your spine stays neutral and avoid moving your head towards the sky.

Disclaimer: All exercises have the potential risk of injury. Do not use these exercises as medical guidance. You should consult with your doctor, as needed, before engaging in a new fitness routine. See our Terms of Use for more details.


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