Long Jump Drills

Every Long Jump Drill has a Purpose.

Don't just work out for the sake of working out. To be truly competitive in the long jump, athletes must learn to master basic movements. The Prep for take-off, Take-off, and Landing are key to a successful long jump.

Be sure to train both sides of your body when training for the long jump. Unilateral overdevelopment can cause problems with jumps. While doing these drills, work with good posture!! Good posture leads to good jumps. Bad posture leads to bad jumps.

Below are some sample drills for long jumpers.

Note - The workout list below is NOT a training program. You should develop one with your personal coach to adjust.

Be sure to warm up properly before doing these workouts. This includes some body weight training, stretches, and exercises. For best results, perform these workouts at the paces and distances described with extreme focus and a competitive spirit. During training, it's important to do sprints as you do in competition.

Workout sourced from Jeff Martin*

Approach Drills

  1. *Wall Drill (walking)

  2. *Wall Drill (jogging)

  3. *Roll over Starts (15m-20m)

  4. *Full Approach runs on the track (NO BOARD) no jump

  5. *Full Approach runs on the runway no jump

  6. *Full Approach runs on the runway with small pop up

Landing Drills

  1. *Skip for height (Heal to Toe action)

  2. *Skip for distance (Heal to Toe action)

  3. *Continuous fast leg paw back with take-off foot (15m)

  4. *5/6 foot take-off drill (Heal to Toe action)

  5. *Run, Run, Jump *Run, Run, Jump (takeoff foot)

  6. *Run, Run, Jump (penultimate foot)

  7. *Run, Run, Jump (lowering of the body)

  8. *Run, Run, Jump (w/arms)

  9. *Continuous takeoffs over 5 hurdles

  10. *One step roll over take-off foot into sand *

  11. Three step roll over take-off foot into sand w/landing

  12. *Five step roll over take-off foot into sand w/landing

  13. *Short approach jumps (3-5 steps)

  14. *Short approach jumps w/box (3-5 steps)

  15. *Short approach jumps w/penultimate step on box

Takeoff Drills

  1. *Standing Long Jump (gymnastic landing)

  2. *Standing Long Jump (Squat)

  3. *Standing Long Jump (Kick out)

  4. *Standing Long Jump (Landing)

  5. *2 step landing


12 Plyo Drills for Long Jumps


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