7 Hurdle Drills for Track Athletes

Hurdle mobility is just not for hurdlers!!!

Hurdle mobility is vital to improve strength and range of motion throughout the hip joint. It also challenges all athletes to maintain a high level of balance, special awareness, and coordination. When athletes add hurdle mobility to their training, they improve balance, coordination, and hip range of motion, as well as core stability. 

While moving up or down a hurdle, the athlete should strive to control her movements as much as possible to perform the drill as accurately as possible.

Setup: Line up 6 to 10 hurdles back-to-back, and high enough so that walking over them is a challenge (not too high though).

ImportantPerform twice and repeat any directional drills on both sides.

Forward Hurdle Walks

Stand straight with your hands behind your head. Hurdles should be positioned at the same height. Step over the hurdle with your left foot. Pull your right leg up and over the hurdle and step to the ground.

  • Same Leg

    • Use the same lead leg through the 10 hurdles and repeat with the other legs

  • Alternating Leg

    • Alternate your lead leg between hurdles


  • Keep every body part inside the hurdle without swinging

  • Keep your hips in line ( do not twist your torso)

  • Hurdlers should use proper lead and trail leg techniques

Backward Hurdle Walks

Stand straight with your hands behind your head. Hurdles should be positioned at the same height. Step over the hurdle backward with your left foot. Pull your right leg up towards your armpit and over the hurdle and step to the ground.

  • Same Leg

    • Use the same lead leg through the 10 hurdles and repeat with the other legs

  • Alternating Leg

    • Alternate your lead leg between hurdles


  • Keep every body part inside the hurdle without swinging

  • Keep your hips in line ( do not twist your torso)

  • Hurdlers should use proper lead and trail leg techniques

Lateral Hurdle Walks

Hurdles should be positioned at the same height. Stand in the front corner of the hurdle. Step up and over the corner or the hurdle with your right foot.

  • Bent Leg

    • Drive knee up with bent leg over hurdles

  • Straight legs

    • Use straight legs to go over hurdles

Over Unders

Hurdles should be positioned alternating low and high. Step over the hurdle with your left foot. Pull your right leg up and over the hurdle and step to the ground. Turn to the side and squat down and go underneath the second lower hurdle


  • Keep every body part inside the hurdle without swinging

  • Keep your hips in line ( do not twist your torso)

  • Hurdlers should use proper lead and trail leg techniques


400m Training Schedule - Pre Season


800m Endurance Workouts Aerobic and Anaerobic